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Showing posts from September 8, 2013

Twatting Sodding Bastards

Internet banking, internet wanking more like. That's down today, I wonder why? It's like a fucking run on Northern Bastard Cock or Greece all over again, every twat is trying to draw there money out whilst there's still something left to be had. They'll be walking out the door with carpets, desks, anything they can get their fucking hands on at this rate. Fuck right fucking off, I don't want to fucking bastard switch to being a fucking twatting TSB customer do I? If I did then I'd have opened an account with the soft shites wouldn't I? "We've got 4.5 million customers" No you fucking haven't. You've nicked 4.5 million fucking "customers" most of whom won't be customers by the end of the fucking week. If they can get through to your 3-man complaints bastard I want to fuck off back where I came from you wankers switchboard that is. Get to high fucking fuck you useless fuckers. Have I made myself fucking clear?