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Showing posts from March 22, 2020

I'm alright Jack

It would have been me Dad's 59th birthday today, God knows what he would have made of the current pile of shite we're all facing. No doubt he would have made some sarky comment about stockpiling toilet rolls. As he once wittily observed you could always use the Daily Mail instead . Just like war  - WAR! ... what is it good for? Nothing, absolutely nothing. NOT unless you count bashing the Labour Party for the last 100 years, and perpetuating the status quo. Mind you using the Mail would have blocked the khazi big style. So, he didn't really think that through - did he? I've got log cabin fever even more than usual now, with fuck all to do but wee on the floor, have a quick dump, dream about pigs ears. I can't even be arsed to swear much. Still; I've been careful keeping my paws to the ground, and putting ... ahem ... a few items aside for when the shit hits the fan. The keen eyed amongst you - which EXCLUDES Thomas Bell of Brigg obviously - will h