Fuck off you dirty, sweaty, cheating, biting, diving, racist slimy little twat. A few misguided red-nosed Kopites might "think" that they like you, but they'll soon change their minds when you want away (again) after the World Cup is over. It wasn't after all that long ago that you wanted to leave the last time was it? Because you said that nobody liked you in this country. You're wrong Luis, it's not that nobody likes you, it's that everybody fucking hates you, you hamster faced twat. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Queen, Joe Pasquale, Des O'Connor and even Graham Norton all think you're a twat. So get to fucking fuck, in the Kingdom of Fuck, fuck-face, and don't forget to kiss your sweaty fucking wrist band on your way out to BarcaFuckingLona or wherever you end up. Anyway, at least "Stevie Me" can say he's done the double this year - fucked up both Liverpool and England's chances of winning anything. Woof.