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Showing posts from February 2, 2014

Last Night's Football

Did anybody else notice that Sheffield United appear to have most of Mumford & Sons playing for them in their FA Cup replay against a dreadful Fulham side?

This Dead Actor Bloke

Had you ever heard of him? No, neither had I. For all this sudden outpouring of grief "one of the greatest actors of all time" etc, well excuse me, if he was that bleedin good then I thought I'd have probably heard of the fucker. His grandad, Dustin, yeah. Mrs Fuckin Doubtfire, Cream Cake Versus Cream Cake, know who he is, but never heard of this bloke. Tributes are flooding in on Twitter from the rich, semi famous and desperate by all accounts. Found brown bread on the  bathroom floor apparently, Christ what a shit that must have been. I've done some smelly dumps in my time, but nothing that was ever potentially fatal. Respect.