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Showing posts from November 30, 2014

Black Friday

What an embarrassing load of old shitty bollocks that was. I see that the retail sector are seemingly so fucking desperate for cash, "extended" Cack Friday to cover the entire weekend, and are now following that up with pissing Cyber Monday today! Have they no fucking shame at all? No is clearly the answer to that one. I'm surprised that we didn't have last Thursday off for ThanksfuckingGiving as well. What else can we import from the pissing states? We've already got Trick or Bastard Treat night, High School Proms and all that shite. I blame Hannah Montana and all the other bollocks that the kids watch on telly these days, the lazy fucking work-shy bastards. If they want to be American so fucking much they should try pissing off over there to live. They can't even spell properly any way, so fuck off over there where nobody will even notice. Cnuts!