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Showing posts from January 8, 2023

Doggy census 2022

The questions are here for the 2022-23 survey. Are you? a boy doggy a girl doggy a prefer not to say kind of doggy How would describe your colour? a white doggy a black doggy a brown doggy a black & white doggy, I'm a Dalmatian  a prefer not to say kind of doggy If you smell another doggy's bottom, would you? walk away calmly after giving a brief or perfunctory sniff give it one up the chutney prefer not to say What colour is your lead? blue pink prefer not to say What is your preferred pronoun? him/he her/she what the f**k is a pronoun? prefer not to say What is LGBT ? a kind of sandwich a load of bollocks the tail is wagging the dog prefer not to say Stay woof in 2023 you know it makes sense