Judging by my swollen inbox, oh, er missus, I am not alone in thinking that these twats are a load of Hitler fixated fudge packers in lycra. I've even had cyclists admitting to me that the bell-ends in lycra do their heads in too. Vermin, that's what they are. And what do we do with fucking vermin? That's right, we fucking kill it don't we? I am therefore declaring this weekend National Twat A Fucking Cyclist weekend. Think about it, this is our fucking road that we fucking pay for. Well when I say "we" I mean me Dad and you lot, I'm a dog, I don't pay for fuck all, but neither do I cycle 16 abreast with all me mates down the B2437. I'm not entitled, you see. I know my place, so I don't do it. These twats aren't entitled either. Do they pay cycling tax? No they fucking don't. They might pay car tax, some of them, but that's for driving their fucking cars on the B2437 NOT a fucking bike. You can't have three cars and only pay roa...