Fed up of reporting on where Kate Middleton's tits are going to flop out next (it's Denmark today if you are interested), the subject of my ire today is the fucking USDA. A pooh on a polished plinth is winging it's way to Washington as I type. Now that me Dad's moved into his new office I hardly get to see the fat bastard much anyway, and now the USDA changing the release of their report times around mean I'll get to see him even less. The tight bastards. Have you ever tried using a tin opener with paws the USDA? Have you fuck, so get to fuck and change the fucking times back for fuck's fucking sake. An American walked into an English pub and asked for a pint of Budweiser. The barman replied "You're American aren't you?" The man says, "Yeah. Could you tell by the drink I ordered, or the accent?" The barman replied. "Neither, you're the fattest fucker I've ever seen."