A bit like John Craven's used to be except this one is presented by a border terrier. Gaddafi was "killed in crossfire" it says on the BBC this morning. I think that they mean someone got cross and fired at him. At last, after years of atrocities and the appalling treatment of millions, it's over. Details are still sketchy, but finally....Westlife ARE splitting up. Police marksmen covering the disturbances at Dale Farm opened fire three times apparently. They won a goldfish, a teddy bear and an inflatable hammer. Black schoolboys are failing at school on purpose as being successful is seen as uncool or even "gay" is another story that grabs my attention on the Beeb. I didn't know Richard Branson was black. Pooh count: just the one, a special steaming (it's cold out there) coiled pyramid with a little Libyan flag on a cocktail stick stuck in the top of it.