I see Peppa Pig has joined the ranks of politically correct bollocks. This news comes after a pressure group in the USA gathered more then 24,000 signatures to push a lesbian agenda. It's heart warming isn't it, when you consider the population of the USA is 339,000,000 million. So a pressure group that makes up just 0.006 percent of the population has won the day. The tail is wagging the dog. Penny Polar Bear draws two female Polar Bears in dresses before turning to Peppa and saying: “I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mummy and my other mummy. One mummy is a doctor and one mummy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.” How does your mummy(s) feel about cucumbers? Well they usually buy 2, because you can always eat 1. How long before Peter Polar Bear says I live with my two daddys. Ones a bit theatrical and designs costumes. The other daddy is outrageously camp and loves ballet. Stay woof!